Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Alderman opposes wasteful spending, misuse of TIF

At the June 18 city council meeting, alderman Darrell Brown said he was concerned there would not be a vote on the new city hall building until after the bids have been received.

“I am concerned about spending $9 million from the TIF (Tax Increment Financing) fund,” he said. “TIF is for blighted areas or to upgrade existing structures.”

Brown said he understood the city and the police department need more space, but indicated he did not agree with spending $9 to $12 million on a new building.

He suggested a smaller building could be constructed in the parking lot adjacent to the current city hall. That building could be used by the city, with the current city hall turned over to the police department.


Anonymous said...

TIF diverts money away from schools and into city coffers. Taxpayers have to make up the difference, which has resulted in skyrocketing school taxes.

Anonymous said...

TIF was intended to revitalize blighted areas (e.g., paper mill property) in order to attact new commercial development. The theory is that the new development would then pay more in taxes than the the schools lost. It was never intended to be used for building city halls. City halls don't pay property taxes, and they don't generate sales tax revenues either. The taxpayers of Morris are being scammed.

Anonymous said...

WAIT A SECOND! We're waiting on bids to come in for a new city hall, but the city council has not even voted on this matter???? Are we in the Twilight Zone?

Curt Mercadante said...

You are right on the money, Darrell.

Anonymous said...

Try Coal City's method of handling the money. "No Budget, No Problem!" "It's just a line item transfer." And the old lawyer said that as long as we "consistently do it (wrong), it's ok then" There is a big cookie jar in Coal City and guess who's hand is in it.

Anonymous said...

Yea, but Dick will have a new office.

Anonymous said...

The cookie monster?

Curt Mercadante said...

There's a reader poll on this issue up at http://votemerc08.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Why aren't the school boards speaking up about the misuse of TIF?

Anonymous said...

Dr Wright and the 54 board has complained about the TIF for nearly 20 years and it hasn't done an ounce of good. Except I do see that Saratoga got $100k last week; while 54 and 101 didn't get a dime.

Anonymous said...

Gardner residents should prepare for big increases in their school taxes. Money diverted from schools into the TIF fund must be made up by raising taxes on residents. Get out your wallets!

Anonymous said...

Funny how Alderman Sereno mentioned that all the development on the north of Morris was considered "freebies" because of TIF. Development would have come anyway. I don't believe the money was "free". It was put on the backs of taxpayers due to higher school taxes. Typical ploitician - thinking the taxpayers' money is "theirs".

Anonymous said...

Morris' city hall with TIF bucks, Coal Citys' lack of budget and cookie jar spending, Gardners' locked doors and TIF task force. Is there something in the water around here? It's almost like "cancer alley" where something is eating away at the politicians brains. There ARE laws that you people may be breaking. You better watch it.

Anonymous said...

TIF hurts the seniors.

Anonymous said...

Where does Alderman Brown suggest the bank and city employees and all the police cars park when the parking lot ( which by the way is owned by the bank not the city except for first row of parking stalls by PD ) is taken up by a building. Does Alderman Brown even know what is planned for the existing city hall building?? Maybe he should get some answers before he talks to try and make himself look good for a future run for mayor.

Anonymous said...

Well the bank has wanted to trade parking lots for awhile. The one behind fire department for the one next to pd. That deal has been on the table for years. So that answers one of your questions i hope.

Relax and breath 7:35 there are solutions to all these problems without spending 13 million dollars. That is the easy way out.

As for the "future run for mayor" remark this town would be lucky to have somebody like alderman Brown that is watching the bottom line.

Anonymous said...

I say we get used FEMA trailers from Katrina and line them up around the papermill, move city offices there & it will block the big eyesore with a smaller one.

Anonymous said...

Did I just read that alderman Brown is running for Mayor??? Thank goodness, it's about time someone with a brain AND values gets in office!!!!

You have my vote!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

how about a downtown parking garage? at least that would help tax-paying businesses and allow the city to accomodate the coming growth.