Saturday, March 31, 2007

Feeney forms new committee

In an opinion letter published in the Morris Daily Herald on March 7, 2007, Brian Feeney said:

"Fortunately, before last week's committee meeting adjourned, I was authorized as chairman to form a new committee to investigate how Morris, Grundy County, SENREQ and perhaps an outside foundation or grant agency might work together to finance a solution that works for everyone, if such a solution is indeed possible. I pledge that the committee will look at every available technology option brought to it, but I doubt that I'll ever again be able to negotiate a deal on behalf of the taxpaper that even comes close to what we had. I will, however, do my best."

The "solution" that Kopczick and Feeney had previously proposed called for the city to issue up to $8 Million in bonds to finance the Senreq project. If the project failed, the city would be left with the bond liability - and the garbage. Does this sound familiar? Like when the city partnered with Community Landfill, and as a result may be stuck with a $17 million bill for the cleanup? Feeney and Kopczick both were aldermen who supported the Community Landfill blunder. We can't afford any more solutions from Mr. Bungles and his committee.

Senreq's gasification unit. (Is this a shipping container?)

Check to see if Senreq is in good standing with the State of Illinois.

Look up tax lien recorded against Senreq in Cook County.

Look up campaign contributions made by Mr. and Mrs. Brick and Senreq, and payments made by Dick Kopczick to Brick Consulting.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Mayor Micetich's failing memory?

WCSJ reported this morning that the Coal City Village Council would consider adopting a floodplain ordinance. It was reported that the Illinois Department of Natural Resources had sent letters to the Village in 2005 and 2006, and that adoption of such an ordinance would have the added benefit of allowing participation in the National Flood Insurance Program. The WCSJ report applied a kinder and gentler spin to the letters. Actually, these letters, which are addressed directly to Mayor Micetich, contain rather blunt warnings that if Coal City did not comply, the community could be suspended from participation in NFIP. WCSJ ended the story by attributing a statement to Mayor Micetich thanking a member of the community for bringing this important matter to the attention of the village council.

What WCSJ failed to mention, though, is the earlier letter sent by IDNR about this very subject almost twelve years ago, on August 18, 1995, and now circulating around the village. The letter summarizes the highlights of a meeting between IDNR and then city-councilman Jim Micetich that occured on July 28, 1995, in which the IDNR requested the adoption of such an ordinance "within 90 days" in order to bring the village into compliance. Micetich was given a manual, to provide "helpful guidance in establishing and implementing the administrative procedures necessary to comply with the ordinance and FEMA requirements."

Saturday, March 24, 2007

That's a lot of bananas

According to published reports, Morris paid its city attorney $257,486 last year. Assuming an hourly rate of $110, is he claiming to have spent 2,341 hours on city business? That would be 341 hours more than a typical 2,000 hour work-year. If so, this would be quite a feat, considering that our city attorney also represents Gardner, Mazon, Carbon Hill, the 911 Board, etc, and has a busy private practice besides. He must be working around the clock! Besides this, the city paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to other lawyers to handle the airport condemnation suit, and hundreds of thousands of dollars to yet other lawyers to handle the landfill matter.

Friday, March 23, 2007

But he looks good in a suit...

This post was created to collect comments on which forms of wildlife would be best suited to hold public office.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Gasification system

Now available from Sledgehammer Morris! Household Waste Gasification System (HWGS). Limited time offer. Hurry, while supplies last! Send your $50,000 today!

Senreq's gasification unit. (Is this a shipping container?)

Check to see if Senreq is in good standing with the State of Illinois.
Search for tax liens recorded against Senreq in Cook County.

Mayoral appointment

It has been several weeks since the republican party nominated Darrell Brown to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of alderman Bob Elleson. There have been several city council meetings, but Mayor Kopczick still hasn't made the appointment. Why? Could it be Chicago-style partisan politics, like those criticized by Luella Kellogg and Mike Farrell?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fire trucks

This topic has been created to collect comments on local fire truck adventures.