When Cliff Corbet "retired" as CEO of Morris Hospital, it was rumored that he was forced out by a heavy-handed and micro-managing board chair. Now it appears that William Bruce, the new CEO is involuntarily departing. Is this more handiwork from a board chair with a God complex? Instead of musical-chair CEOs, maybe it is time for a new chairman of the board.
Update: The Morris Daily Herald has finally gotten around to mentioning this, though their coverage is limited to repeating information from the Morris Hospital press release. Here is the article.
Mr. Corbett dedicated virtually his entire professional life to make Morris Hospital what it is today. He did not deserve the treatment he got from this bully, in my first amendment opinion. Here we go again! Board members -- grow some cojones and remove this chairman!
The hospital will have to pay upwards of a million (or more) to make this matter go away. Will the chairman take responsibility for this "man made disaster"?
Good work Sledgehammer. Looks like you scooped the MDH again.
Why are these stories not covered by our local newspapers??? Good work Sledgehammer!!!!
The radio read a hospital press release that Mr. Bruce "resigned", citing "personal reasons". Oh really????? Following are hospital board members:
Leon Residori
Sheldon Sobol
Kelly Beaty
Rodney Engstrom
Cathy Macchietto
John Roth
Bruce Baker
Mike Rittof
Charles Comfort
Jackie Goggins
Barry Narvick
Please go up to these people, look them in the eyes, and ask if press release is REALLY TRUE. I call it deception, some have called it lying. It depends on what the definition of "resign" is.
Did Leon push Bruce out to make room for the return of his pal, Brian Jepson?
Better get the hospital golf cart fired up if the Golfer is coming back!
History repeats itself: leon and brian golfing 6-7 times a week on Morris Hospitals tab. Keep donating big bucks to Morris Hopital, maybe we can even get the boys golf lessons on the hospitals tab.
If cliff would have been a better at golf and sucking up to leon this entire fiasco could have been avoided.
"The Morris Daily Herald has finally gotten around to mentioning this" without any investigation or interviews. Five days after a blog published the real story. Is the morris daily herald a newspaper or the propaganda arm of its advertisers. We need a real newspaper in grundy county!!!!!
After all the money that the Morris Hospital gets from our insurance companies through their fluffed up billing, they have the nerve to send the "Board" on expensive trips and retreats. Some in Southern California, others at beachfront resorts in the Southeast...not just a five star resort, but the plush Ultra exclusive places where celebrities hang. This is supposed to be a not-for-profit hospital but we are all starting to figure out why there's no profit, it's because of tee times and plush vacations that oftentimes would include spouses. It's time that a news reporter contact Bill himself to see what he has to say - if he's not sworn to secrecy. It might also be time to start to analyze the accomplishments and personal attributes of the Chairman and Board to see what turns up there, I know of a few on the list who you wouldn't want to stand down wind from their laundry basket.
Board members too chicken to speak up. They fear being "Klusak'ed".
what is: being "klusak'ed" ???
I understand that the two men were going potty at the same time and one looked down and over and now feels inadequate.
The new ceo should be careful when wee weeing.
Leon never got to the top dog status at Caterpillar so he's using his bully tactics in retirement to fluff his ego. He needs to step aside as do some of the other Board members, many of them never show up anyway and it's just for political or business betterment to have their name attached. Get people who have a genuine interest in healthcare rather than where they can golf or what free sports tickets they can get.
Insiders at the hospital say Bruce's departure was because of personality clashes, despite Bruce's comments to the contrary in the Herald today. Maybe he is saying that in order to keep getting a paycheck
Mr. Bruce has to toe the party line in Morris Daily Fluff's article, in order to make his severance go through smoothly and painlessly; I understand that.
Now for truth -- Did or did not Mr. Bruce's "leave of absence" begin within HOURS of a board meeting, at which time his future at Morris Hospital was discussed, with an adverse action resulting? Look board members in the eyes.
BTW, Mr. Lou Klusak was a conscientious board member at one time, who asked too many questions of the board leadership regarding finances and money. He was removed by the board. Imagine that, the nerve of a board member inquiring about where the money's going.
As often happens with MDH stories, a big question remains unanswered: Is Bruce still receiving a salary? Was there a severance package? If so, was it consistent with the terms of his employment contract? If it was more generous that the contract, why? Normally, when someone simply resigns, he or she receives no more compensation. It that isn't the case here, why?
MDH article said, "there is nothing to hide". Are we in downtown Moscow, reading the Monday edition of PRAVDA?
I want the Morris Paper to cover my upcoming trial.
It all comes down to credibility. If there was reason for Bruce's removal so be it. The bigger question in my mind now surrounds all these perks we're hearing about for the Board and others. Is this really why people get on the Board? Is this another AIG or banking scandal like the big wiggs on Wall Street? All in the name of healthcare? Come on people - this is where America is getting the shaft, corporate junkies that only know how to suck blood from the accounts for their own gain. I tend to think that the establishment of the Foundation was nothing more than a front to launder monies through corporate donation, sure it may do good things for various groups but how much of the money is skimmed by the leaches? It's a failed system and failed policy that deserves answers to the common people in Grundy County. How about a disclosure for every perk or dime given to this not-for-profit.
A commenter very ignorant in these matters stated, in the MDH, that the hospital is not government owned, so it's no one's business about the financial dealings. How pathetic! This hospital is community owned, a 501(c)3 charity, built by this community. The board members are supposed to be responsible stewards for this tax exempt institution. Theoretically, the hospital's books should be open to inspection to any interested community member. There are hospitals in Illinois that have lost their tax exempt status thanks to financial improprieties.
It is our business!
I guess the only thing people can do to get the attention of these people who are "of society" with their board positions is to stop giving them donations and boycott the upper crust that cannot live without their "Hospital Ball". Listening to the golf, trips, sports tickets, and dinner parties, I refuse to donate another dime. Everyone should know this, money flows only one way with Leon, into his pockets. You tell me, has he ever donated money to the Hospital? Two-bits he never pays for tickets to the Ball.
I have a copy of the hospital corporate bylaws. Interested members of the community can request a copy of it. Article 4, Section 4.2 of the bylaws spell out the number and terms of Board of Director members. Board members are considered ineligible for reelection to the Board if they have served in excess of eight years. Board members are supposed to be replaced after eight years. The chairman of the board appears on the year 2000 roster of Board Members! You do the math. Also, there is another Board member who has been on there since 1999!!!!!
They are not following their own rules! THIS IS SERIOUS.
The chairman is an illegitimate member of the board, IMHO. What legal redress do we have, to force the hospital to follow its own bylaws? IMHO, a lot of the stupidity the past year or so could have been avoided if the bylaws had been followed.
Board members are not to serve more than 8 yrs consecutively according to bylaws and tradition. The hospital website now says board members can remain up to 11 yrs. Board members with 8 or more years are to be replaced annually, only replacing one board member per year (????). I do not believe this bylaw has been followed. Are we going to have a "Chairman for Life", like Chavez in Venezuela or Castro? Those with eight or more years should do the right thing and resign now.
It is very clear that the spirit and intent of the hospital bylaws have been ignored by the current board's behavior. It's not right. Whether they believe they are legal in their behavior is another matter.
When I receive care at Morris Hospital, I pay my balance due after my Blue Cross pays, every time. I'm aware of at least one instance where a board member instructed the then CEO to call a particular physician and pressured him to forgive the balance due. I know which board member it is. Freeloader!
Please share the name...
I heard Morris Hospital paid $1.25 million as part of a contract buyout for him working over 6 months (he worked 6 months and 3 days). I also heard that M.H. paid for his home south of town. If this is true, the board should resign for signing such of a contract and not knowing its contents.
He made it to one hospital ball before he got booted. Don't worry about Bruce. Worry about all that money the board chairman has wasted. Incredible.
Will the Morris Daily Herald follow up on this incredible squandering of funds, or simply print a hospital press release without attribution, pretending it is factual news?
Why cant we (county residents) elect Morris Hospital Board members ???
Can any of the cream of Morris Society tell us how the hospital ball was this past week? Ginny was handing out talking points to hospital administration prior to this, so everyone was on the same page. Was acting CEO Reon there?
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